Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 3 of internship

3. You are half-way through your project. How is it going? What challenges have you faced? What have you learned? What are you doing to ensure a successful completion of your internship project.
So far my project has gone great. I have had a great time making it along with my other tasks. The only chalanges i have had are getting the recording done. I have learned a lot about Sound i didnt know about. To asure i finish my project i will take note as to what need to be recorded


6. What are you thankful for in your internship experience?
I am thankfull for my awsome mentor and all the things he has tought me. I am also thankful that i get to work with louis on his project as he works on mine as well with me.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 2 internship

2. What is the biggest challenge face at your internship?

The biggest challenges i have faced are getting the film i was going to make work. What i mean by this is the video i was going to make can not be made and to make the new one we need a good mic.
5. What limitations have you recognized in yourself that you want to overcome, or use this experience to help you overcome?

Some limitations i have recognized are the limitations of passions sometimes. During internship when I'm waiting for my mentor to give me a new direction i start to get a little impassions and i need to over come that so i can work better in the future without problems.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Week one questions

3. Describe the project you'll do at internship, including the skills and technology you need to do it and what you hope your project looks like as a final product.

The project i'm  going to be doing is an infomercial/commercial  explaining how easy it is to post you video to the Asian film foundation. The skills that i need involve video camera skills, Photoshop, final cut pro and possibly some there film making programs. I'm hoping that my final product  will look professional and be a great way for people out there to want to post there videos

7. What are you most surprised by during your first week of internship and why?

The thing that surprised me the most about my internship is how exciting it is to be able to choses my own project. From a list of ideas i was aloud to pick whatever i wanted to do and that makes me fell less stressed to do what everyone else is doing.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Internship Site Visit—Scavenger Hunt

Rachael Dickey
Your internship site:
San Diego Asian Film Foundation

Morning rituals

1.      When did you wake up?


2.      What did you eat for breakfast?


3.      How did you get to your internship site?

Bus, trolley, then the rest a ride

4.      How long did it take?

Around 2 hours

At internship

5.      Who do you see when you walk around your internship site?

My mentor Philip

6.      Who is your mentor?


7.      What type of work do you see yourself doing at your internship?

Making videos, creating an artistic fetchers to the website, rating videos and many other things

8.      What will make your work meaningful to your internship as a workplace?

If I were to be making something for the website of pamphlets then there may be more people who go to the Festivals and are aware of the Asian American situation  

9.      What will your days and hours be?

10:00 to 5:00

Out and about

10.  What is the community like around your internship site?

Lots of business warehouses and restaurants  

11.   What might you do for lunch on a normal internship day?

Go to one of the many places to eat or the 99 ranch market

12.  How will you get home from internship?

The 44 to the blue line trolley to the 932 bus

13.  What might you do after a typical workday?

Hang out with Louis (the other intern) or go home, blog what my day was like